Evolve Dentistry | Dentist in Portishead, Somerset

24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL

24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL

Brushing your teeth

Brushing your teeth tips

Brushing your teeth before breakfast – why is it important?

Plaque builds up over night whilst sleeping due to reduce saliva flow rate. Brushing your teeth first thing in the morning removes this plaque and eliminates many of the bacteria who feed off sugar and carbs in your breakfast and what you eat throughout the day.

What happens if you eat breakfast without brushing your teeth in the morning?

The bacteria that has built up over night uses the sugar the food we eat, resulting in increased acid production. This acid is very damaging to enamel, which could cause erosion and cavities.

How long after brushing your teeth can you eat breakfast?

Whilst some foods are easier on your teeth than others, it’s important to leave at least 30 minutes between brushing and eating to avoid brushing whilst this acid attack is taking place, thus weakening your teeth.

Should you brush with warm or cold water?

Some people may experience discomfort if they brush using very cold water, which may lead to them not brushing as frequently or for as long. The temperature of the water used will not have an impact on the effectiveness of your brushing.

Should I rinse or spit out the toothpaste?

It is advisable to just spit out any excess toothpaste rather than rinse your mouth. This allows the toothpaste to stay on your teeth for longer and be more effective.

Should you wet your toothbrush before brushing?

By wetting your toothbrush, you will soften the bristles and remove any debris. Rinsing your brush after use will remove residual toothpaste and bacteria.

Can I brush my teeth too much?

We recommend that you brush your teeth twice a day, before breakfast and last thing at night, brushing too often can be harmful to your teeth. Brushing more than 4 times a day can cause recession of the gum line and also hasten erosion of dental enamel, especially if you use a hard brush.

Should I use mouthwash?

Mouthwash can be used as an adjunct to brushing but it does not replace the mechanical removal of plaque which happens when you brush your teeth. If you have cavities or are at a high risk of gum disease, you may benefit from using an antibacterial mouthwash, but only on the advice of your dentist for a limited period. Mouth rinses with fluoride can also help ward off tooth decay.

How often should I use mouthwash?

If dentists and hygienists recommend using a mouthwash, then generally it would be once a day. However, to ensure that you aren’t washing away fluoride, it’s important to leave at least 30 minutes after brushing before using mouthwash.

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24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL


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