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Sweet dreams?

National Stop Snoring Week runs from April 20 – April 26. Snoring on its own is usually considered harmless – albeit disruptive! But for some people it can…

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Peaceful Nights with Panthera Anti-Snore Device

Are you or a loved one struggling with disruptive snoring, causing restless nights and daytime fatigue? The Panthera Anti-Snore Device may just be the solution you've been searching…

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Why do I snore so loud? When you sleep, the tissues in your throat relax, sometime enough to block your airway and cause vibrations. The more your airway…

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Is Snoring Ruining Your Relationship?

Most of us snore from time to time, but if disrupted sleep is affecting your relationship, the answer may be simpler than you thought. For severe sufferers who…

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National Stop Snoring Week

In Sickness and in Health, to Love and to Cherish until SNORING do us part! Whilst we all laugh at the jokes about our partner’s snoring, the reality…

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Bruxism Awareness Week

The 21st – 28th  October marks Bruxism Awareness week and at Evolve Dentistry we want to ensure that you all have an in-depth understanding of the condition known…

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