Evolve Dentistry | Dentist in Portishead, Somerset

24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL

24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL

After teeth straightening at Evolve

Straight Teeth For Amanda

Straight Teeth For Amanda

I had not been to a dentist for 8 years prior to going to Evolve, this was mainly down to the fact I’d had a bad experience so decided to pursue self-care.

Unfortunately, this did more harm than good. I’m a big fan of reading lots of reviews and getting recommendations before I commit to something and so when I started looking for a dentist, I was immediately drawn to the reviews from Evolve’s patients, especially the ones that said they were put straight at ease! I wasn’t disappointed. I am so grateful for everyone at Evolve for helping sort out my smile.

This may sound odd, but before going to Evolve and having someone truly care about my teeth, my smile and the way I looked after my teeth, I had not really considered having braces. My teeth were (in my head) relatively straight, I had a “nice” smile that people commented on but I think I just took my teeth for granted. It wasn’t until I’d had a chat with a friend about my “fangs” as I called them, that I realised I wanted some help perfecting my smile. It was my 40th year and I had a big party I wanted to look amazing for!

Amanda before teeth straightening at EvolveMy treatment from start to finish was a good experience! I had never expected to say that about dentist appointments or treatments. From the moment you walk into Evolve Dentistry, you feel like you’re with friends. Everyone knows you, and cares about you and your journey! I was always asked if I was OK, I was told that if any time I felt uncomfortable, or something hurt, to let them know…it was a truly great experience. I was actually a little gutted when the braces came off!

I liked wearing the braces. When I first had them in, I was so conscious of breaking the wires or brackets. Once you get used to them, you start eating like you used to.

Both Jonathan and the Hygienist, Hannah, helped me keep my teeth clean when the braces were on. This sounds like an odd thing to say, but I was very conscious of the keeping my teeth and gums healthy. I had never seen a TePe brush before, let alone used one, and that was my saving grace! I was very attentive to my teeth when the braces were on. It was great to be taught how to look after my teeth properly. It’s been the best learning experience.

As the braces were so discreet, those that didn’t know me all that well didn’t even realise they were there! Others did ask why I had braces as they thought my teeth were perfect before, but when I showed them the before and during photos, they soon realised!

A lot of friends, who previously had braces themselves, gave me lots of tips, and were among the first to tell me when the teeth started to move. They couldn’t get over how quickly it happened, as for some of them, they had to have braces for over 2 years. My top brace was in for a total of 5 months, and my bottom brace, 7 months. I couldn’t get over how quickly my smile changed.

Amanda after teeth straightening at EvolveMy new smile has already affected me in so many positive ways! I feel so much more confident than I ever did before. I’m more confident when it comes down to what I wear, what I do, how I am at work…even the simple things like having photos taken! My smile just feels effortless, and not to be big-headed, but I never see a bad photo of me smiling now.

I just feel naturally better. I’ve had the best experience getting to this point and I’m even happier with the outcome. For anyone hesitant in deciding whether this is for them, don’t be. This is probably the best thing that’s happened to me all year. I conquered my fear of dentists by finding the best dentistry team and now I have the smile I could only ever have dreamed about. Thanks to all at Evolve!

For more information on straight teeth in Bristol, call the practice on 01275 842 550.

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24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL


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