Evolve Dentistry | Dentist in Portishead, Somerset

24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL

24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL

Dental Hygiene

Could Dental Hygiene Save Your Life?

Dental hygiene is too important to be ignored – we hear it all the time. On TV adverts, in newspapers and magazines, and especially at our regular dental appointments. You may think that maintaining an effective teeth cleaning routine is primarily to avoid dental issues such as cavities, tooth decay, and cosmetic issues like teeth whiteness. There is a significant amount of evidence, however, to suggest that poor dental hygiene could lead to life-threatening health concerns.

Beware of Bacteria Build-up.

Your mouth is home to enormous amounts of microorganisms and bacteria. Some of these bacteria are perfectly harmless, and can even help to protect your teeth and gums. If you don’t keep your teeth healthy through regular and efficient cleaning and flossing, you could be encouraging the growth of unwanted and harmful bacteria.

Multiple risks come with such bacteria build ups as they release toxins which can get directly into the blood stream. There are significant links between gum disease and an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, Alhzeimer’s and low birth weight babies. The regular removal of these bacteria can help reduce the risk posed.

According to the global diabetes community, there is also a proven link between gum disease and diabetes. If you find that you suffer from frequent bouts of gum disease, it may be a symptom of undiagnosed diabetes. As blood sugar levels are increased, there is a higher risk of blood vessels becoming damaged, which means that gums become more prone to infection. There is also evidence to suggest that gum disease could, in fact, cause diabetes. A severe case of gum disease will often result in the inflammation traveling throughout the body – through the bloodstream – weakening its defense system. This will subsequently prevent the body from effectively managing its blood sugar levels, which increases the possibility of developing diabetes.

Gum Disease and Tooth Decay.

Along with an increased amount of harmful bacteria, poor dental hygiene will inevitably lead to a build-up of plaque in and around the teeth and gums. If this is combined with a diet filled with acidic and sweet foods, you could be facing some serious dental issues. The excessive build-up of plaque will affect the overall look of your smile, a small concern you may think, but for some, this could impact how self-confidence. Acid erosion caused by the food and drink that you eat will eventually lead to tooth decay. This could require a filling to repair the damage or to have the affected tooth removed entirely.

Additional health concerns associated with plaque build-up include gum disease such as gingivitis. This occurs when plaque is left to develop around the teeth, becoming tartar, which can then cause an inflammation of the gums. If not treated adequately, you may even lose teeth.

Make regular appointments with a dental hygienist.

If you find that you are experiencing symptoms of gum disease or tooth decay, are noticing a significant build-up of plaque, consult with a dental hygienist immediately. Hygienists have the knowledge and expertise to help tackle troubles plaque, tartar, and tooth decay, and will help to ensure that these oral health concerns are a thing of the past. They can also help with general teeth cleaning, to help achieve a beautiful white smile.

At Evolve Dentistry, Portishead, our hygienists are highly trained in their field and can help to maintain your dental health, while offering tailored advice to suit your daily teeth cleaning routine. We have appointments to suit all schedules, and you don’t even need to be a registered patient to visit.

Contact Evolve Dentistry today to book an appointment, and find out how our hygienist could help you avoid the serious health risks associated with poor dental hygiene.

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Evolve Dentistry | Dentist in Portishead, Somerset

24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL


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