Evolve Dentistry | Dentist in Portishead, Somerset

24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL

24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL

National smile month 2024

Smile like you mean it

Great song, yes, but it’s also an instruction for the next few weeks. Why? Because it can do you a whole lot of good! It’s also a great way to celebrate National Smile Month, which runs from 13th May to 13thJune.

Indeed, smiling can get you a lot more than happiness. Some of the lesser-known benefits include living a longer life. A study of pictures taken of baseball players in 1952 suggests those smiling outlived their non-smiling counterpart by seven years!

Smiling also helps to lower your blood pressure. When you smile, your heart rate goes down and your blood pressure drops.

The act of smiling can also boost the immune system. The more relaxed and happy you are, the better your immune system functions (thanks to the release of certain neurotransmitters). It has been shown that smiling can help to reduce pain too. Smiling releases endorphins and serotonin which help to relax the body and so reduce physical pain.

Bizarrely, smiling can make you feel positive, even if your smile isn’t genuine. Whether you feel on top of the world or not, smiling still sends the message that ‘life is good’ to your brain, and ultimately, the rest of your body. Try it for yourself! A reporter for NBC did – deliberately smiling in different stressful situations such as a traffic jam and during a gym workout – and found that it worked instantly, making her feel calmer and less stressed.

And rather like a yawn, your smile can be contagious. The human brain automatically picks up on other people’s facial expressions and sometimes mimics them.

When it comes to your oral health, smiling is a benefit once again. Why? Because the act of smiling generates the production of saliva which in turn helps wash away bacteria and plaque. Saliva also decreases the acidity of the mouth which can otherwise lead to tooth decay. Smiling has also been linked with improved gingival health.

So, you see, the benefits of smiling are huge! And remember, if you’re not 100% happy with yours, get in contact with us today. We can tell you about a wide range of treatments that will really bring a smile to your face.

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24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL


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