Evolve Dentistry | Dentist in Portishead, Somerset

24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL

24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL

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Top Tips For Healthy Teeth This Christmas

Christmas is almost upon us and although most of us are busy buying those last minute gifts and ordering the turkey and trimmings, it is worthwhile remembering that this time of year can play havoc with our teeth. Think about it; as you tuck into the selection boxes, mince pies and Christmas pudding, all washed down with fizzy drinks, beer, and wine, the high levels of sugar in all of these indulgent treats are a tooth’s worst nightmare!

Here at Evolve Dentistry in Portishead, we work hard with you all year to keep your oral health in great condition, so we don’t want to see you back in the new year needing anything more than a healthy mouth review! That’s why we’ve put together some top tips on looking after your teeth while still enjoying the festive period…

Stick to meal times

We’re all guilty of enjoying extra treats over Christmas, which can often lead to constant snacking thanks to the multitude of temptations around us. Instead of constantly grazing throughout the day, try keeping treats around meal times and drink water afterwards to help wash away those pesky sugars that like to linger around the teeth and gums. Adopting this approach will help you to enjoy chocolate and sweets in moderation without too much over-indulgence, your waistline will thank you, too!


We all think about treats like toffees and puddings as being the culprits of our love affair with sugar, but most of us forget about the effects that some of our favourite drinks can have, too. Fizzy and diet drinks are often laden with sugar, so even those non-alcoholic options can be detrimental to oral health. While we’re on the subject of booze, we don’t expect you to stay teetotal but do spare a thought for your teeth and gums and opt for a soft drink every so often. Water is, of course, the best option and you can jazz this up with ice and cucumber for a refreshing difference.

Stick with your routine

When it comes to Christmas, everyday normal life is forgotten… you’re enjoying some much-needed time off work, the kids have finished their school term, family and friends are visiting or you’re travelling to see them; so it can be hard to stick to any form of routine. If you keep one thing the same, please let that be your oral health regime! Brushing and flossing twice a day – we recommend the morning and just before bed – will help keep your mouth healthy throughout the festive period. Just remember to always wait at least one hour after eating before you brush in order to protect your tooth enamel.

Make sure your teeth and gums don’t feel the wrath of Christmas indulgence with these handy tips. You could also make your first new year’s resolution by booking a healthy mouth review with one of our Dentists to kick 2017 off with a healthy start! Just call our friendly team on 01275 842 550 to book an appointment.

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Evolve Dentistry | Dentist in Portishead, Somerset

24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL


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