Evolve Dentistry | Dentist in Portishead, Somerset

24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL

24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL

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Who Cares About Good Customer Service? You??

Customer service, it’s everywhere isn’t it? We all want you to know that we care about YOU.

In my blogs, I always try to share something useful with you, mainly on dentistry, but today, I want to tell you about a customer service experience that I had recently.

I have wanted a particular pair of shoes ( I am a girl after all) for some time now. I had coveted them from afar, I had actually touched  them in a shop, and finally decided the time was right to buy the red soled shoes.

Evolve Dentists

There is only one place in Bristol that I know of to buy these shoes, a famous up market department store in Cabot Circus. I made a special trip there and in anticipation of my purchase, sailed to the designer shoe department in a state of great excitement, to be met by 2 disinterested members of staff. I plough on, I find the shoes and look hopefully for some assistance, reluctantly, one of the sales assistants stopped chatting to her colleague and wandered over to me. I asked for my size, at which point the other assistant piped up from the other side of the shop ” I think that our last pair”.

Optimistically I waited for her to come back, and so she did, with no shoes. No suggestion of any alternatives, so I, in desperation, asked about another pair, she had to check my size again, and then returned with no shoes. Very reluctantly, she said she could order some for me, but it would take AT LEAST 2 weeks!! At that point I left, very disappointed.

I have since decided that I won’t be spending any money on the shoes I have wanted for a long time as it’s just not worth it. After all, what makes these shoes worth several hundred pounds? OK, they are immediately recognisable as they have red soles, and any shoe lover would recognise them immediately, but the whole process of buying the shoes should be an experience, choosing them, the interaction with the sales team, their enthusiasm for their product, the admiration of the product, their comments when you try them on ( luckily your feet don’t put on weight), the packaging, the box that  they come in, I had already had requests just for the box, the bag, the anticipation of wearing them and admiring them at home. I am sure you get the picture.

During this recession, and I am daring to use the word, recession, studies have shown that spending has generally gone down, except on experiential shopping which has gone up by 11%. You generally have an “experience”  when purchasing luxury goods.

When I set up Evolve Dentistry, I wanted to be able to offer something different, but how? Whilst Steven, Lisa, Joanne and I all work to the highest standards, I have no reason to believe that all other dentists don’t work to an equally high standard, so it has to be about how we care for you, from the moment you contact Evolve until the moment you leave until the next time. We remember your name, we smile, we want you to enjoy visiting us. We serve proper coffee, exceptional tea and delicious champagne, we even make your teeth look nice. It’s the Evolve experience, so if you want to enjoy a trip to the dentist, and I believe it is more than possible, call us now.

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Evolve Dentistry | Dentist in Portishead, Somerset

24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL


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