Evolve Dentistry | Dentist in Portishead, Somerset

24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL

24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL

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Meet Our New Hygienist… Hannah Mundy

We’re really excited at Evolve Dentistry in Portishead, Bristol, because we have a new team member… Hannah Mundy has relocated to Bristol from Essex to join us as a dental hygienist, and she’s so lovely that we’re really pleased she has! We thought this would be the perfect opportunity to introduce Hannah to our patients, in her own words…

“I’m originally from the Midlands but have moved around the country quite a lot because I like to try different things. I’ve also lived in Cornwall and Kent but I think Bristol is where I’ll settle as I had been looking to move here for a while.

I started working in dentistry straight after school, as a dental nurse. I really enjoyed this role and was doing that for 14 years before I decided to take the next step and qualify as a dental hygienist. I had got to the point where I felt that I needed to push myself further and do something new, but I love dentistry so much and felt that I was providing a valuable service as a nurse, so I decided to stay within the profession and enhance my skills.

Being a dental hygienist now I get to talk to patients a lot more than when I was a nurse, which I enjoy. It’s a much more hands-on role and it makes me feel as though I’ve helped people, which gives me real job satisfaction.

I joined Evolve because the team are very welcoming and it is a lovely practice; I could tell that Carol has put a lot of effort into making it so! For me, it was important that the equipment that I am using is of a high standard as this means I can provide the best service to patients. I found this to be the case at Evolve Dentistry, I can rest assured that all of the products and tools are the best quality and I know that the rest of the team are also committed to carrying out a top class dentistry. We work so closely that it is vital to fit in with the team, as well as the ethos of a practice, so I’m glad I found this job! I’ve only been in the role a couple of days so far but the staff and patients have all been so friendly and helpful that I feel like I’m settling in well.

My top dental hygiene tip might sound silly but it is really important… Make sure you change your toothbrush regularly, at least every 3 months. That advice goes for both manual and electric toothbrushes, you should change those heads too!

In my spare time I enjoy visiting museums and galleries as I like modern culture, I’ve already been to the Bristol museum since moving here. I also really love music, at the moment my favourite album is Spaces by Nils Frahm (available on Spotify), which is new modern piano and I find it both motivational and relaxing; I highly recommend it! Food is a big thing for me, both cooking it and eating it. Japanese food is a real favourite, maybe because our holiday to Japan was incredible. I’m hoping to visit Hong Kong in March and, because I’ve not been to America yet this could then be my next big holiday adventure!”

If you’d like to discover more of Hannah’s top tips for good oral health, book your dental hygiene appointment with her by calling 01275 842 550.


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Evolve Dentistry | Dentist in Portishead, Somerset

24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL


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