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My Six Month Smiles Journey, The First Adjustment Visit…..

After 5 weeks, the time has come for my first adjustment appointment, normally an adjustment is made every 4 weeks but due to my holiday it was a bit later. It was completely painless but quite an odd feeling with all the things happening in my mouth. It’s amazing how tight my teeth feel again, it just shows how much they have already moved.

One patient told me she loves her monthly adjustment appointments,  she likened it to her favourite jeans when they have just been washed before you wear them into bagginess again!!  I have had to be a bit careful for the first few days with food again, chopping up chewy or hard things up so that I can eat them easily. I have had no soreness, rubbing of my gums or pain, I think everyone is different though as others that I have spoken to are still using the wax for occasional discomfort.

It was so exciting when Carol showed me the new pictures that she had taken and I could see how much they had moved already!! I’m hoping it won’t be much longer before I am ready to having my brace taken off but I know that they have only been on for 5 weeks, so it will be a few months more. I am happy to wait and get the result I want as I am so pleased with the difference in this short time.

My teeth before my brace was fitted as seen how Carol can see them

My teeth 5 weeks after my brace has been fitted, you can really see how the front teeth are moving!

More next time.


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