Evolve Dentistry | Dentist in Portishead, Somerset

24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL

24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL

Brushing your teeth tips

Brushing your teeth before breakfast - why is it important? Plaque builds up over night whilst sleeping due to reduce saliva flow rate. Brushing your teeth first thing…

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Toothache – your questions about answered

How do I know if a toothache is serious? If the pain in your tooth comes on suddenly, lasts more than one or two days and is severe,…

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Sore gums

Why are my gums sore all of a sudden? Inflammation of the gums can be caused by gum disease, also known as gingivitis. This is usually caused by…

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Private Orthodontic Treatment

At Evolve, we offer private orthodontic treatment to our patients. We have a number of options available to our patients depending on their lifestyle, budget and case. Can…

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Yellow teeth

We often hear from patients that they do not like the fact that their teeth are ‘yellow’, we take time to explain to them why this happens and…

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Wobbly teeth

People often ask us here at Evolve Dentistry in Portishead about wobbly teeth, is it normal, what can be done about it, what causes it. We’ve answered the…

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Tooth Whitening & Hygiene Appointment

at home whitening with hygiene


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Evolve Dentistry | Dentist in Portishead, Somerset

24 Harbour Road Portishead BS20 7AL


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