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Tired Of Being Tired?

Not getting enough sleep can affect your daily routine and make you feel run down and irritable. Drowsiness can cause accidents on the road, so if driving or…

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Give Your Smile A Makeover!

Feeling self-conscious about your smile is more common than you might think, many of us just happen to keep our concerns to ourselves due to embarrassment or even…

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Boost Your Big Day Confidence!

If you’re planning a wedding then there’s no doubt you’ve got the most important items sorted out already. Once you’ve booked your venue, found the perfect dress, organised…

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How Quickly Can We Achieve Results With Braces?

Here at Evolve Dentistry we have a specialist orthodontist, Lisa Hichens, who has undertaken specialist training and has gained years of experience in treating our orthodontic patients. Carol…

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Visiting The Hygienist Isn’t Just Good For Your Teeth, But Good For Your Health As Well

Here at Evolve we take oral health very seriously, not just because it’s good for your teeth, but also because it’s good for your overall health. Researchers have…

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Rotting Teeth And What To Do For Adults And Children Alike

ITV News reported about rotting teeth this week after a senior dentist gave an interview to the Sunday Times. Dean of the Royal College of Surgeons’ dental faculty…

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