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Suffering With Face Or Neck Pain? We Might Have The Solution

At Evolve Dentistry in Portishead, Bristol, we speak to many patients who are experiencing symptoms such as unexplained facial or neck pain, clicking or locking jaws, regular headaches, or ringing…

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Sparkling Summer Smiles

For many of us, summer is the season we look forward to the most. With longer, warmer days we can enjoy seeing some of that much-missed sunshine and…

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The Dentist’s Dentist

At Evolve Dentistry in Portishead, Bristol, we’re really excited to welcome a new dentist to our team. Dr Jonathan Sproson is a highly skilled dental professional who shares our ethos…

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National Stop Snoring Week: 25-29 April

Did you know that 25-29 April is National Stop Snoring Week? Created by the British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association, the week is designed to raise awareness of…

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Options For A Straighter Smile

With so many people concerned about crooked teeth and desiring a straighter smile, adult braces are becoming more and more popular. There’s even a few celebrities getting involved; Fearne Cotton…

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Evolve Dentistry, Now Treating The WHOLE Family!

At Evolve Dentistry we always listen to our patients and we’re constantly thinking about the ways in which we can improve our service to deliver the latest treatments…

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at home whitening with hygiene


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