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Makeover after Invisalign

Case Study – Invisalign

My smile was a real insecurity before my treatment.

I did a lot of research before deciding where I wanted to have my treatment and Evolve was always my number one choice. The website itself was very helpful and lead me to call for a consultation, from my first phone call I felt reassured and the receptionist went above and beyond to advise and was very friendly. Dentists can be intimidating places to go to but I immediately felt at ease and knew that would be the place to go.

I often used to talk to people with my hand covering my mouth and would only allow people to stand to the left of me so they wouldn’t see my teeth cross over as it was worse in the right side. I also struggled with headaches due to my teeth grinding as a result from an over bite.

Treatment was easy. Invisalign was amazing and worth it simply for how subtle the aligners are when being worn. Personally I had no pain and the discomfort was minimal, I never had to take painkillers and any discomfort that might have come from a new aligner had gone after a few hours or by the next day. You do have to compromise your day to day lifestyle, aiming to keep your aligners in as long as possible, but you adapt very quickly and the results are definitely worth it.

Before Invisalign at EvolveAfter Invisalign at Evolve

When I first told everyone I was having braces I was always told that I didn’t need them, why was I bothering? Once I had them on everybody was so impressed and a lot of people never even realised and once they saw the results they were so surprised by the difference. I work with a lot of people day to day and I was worried that people would notice the braces and comment on them and the thought made me uncomfortable. It turned out that anyone who asked was interested in having something done themselves but the majority of the time I found I was the one bringing them up and talking about them and always left people surprised due to the fact they swore they hadn’t noticed. The process went very quickly.

My new smile has already made such a difference. I have much more confidence talking to people and have noticed myself engaging in conversation more. I’m a hairdresser and work in front of a mirror all day and not having that little insecurity looking back at me has been amazing. It was the best decision I’ve made and would recommend it to everyone. The cost and the time it takes feel irrelevant when you’re left with the results you always wanted.

For more information on Invisalign clear braces please contact us on 01275 842 550.
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