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metal braces

Still think that straighter teeth means metal braces?

Metal Braces

Most of us have things we’d like to change about ourselves. Lots of us hide one of our key facial features, our smile; at work, in social situations, or in selfies and family photos. If your teeth are off-colour, mis-shapen or missing altogether, there’s a broad and brilliant range of treatments that will restore your confidence and help you be your best self.

These days, whiter, brighter, straighter teeth doesn’t mean being trapped in traditional, metal braces, worn for many months. There’s a refreshingly wide range of cosmetic ways forward, designed with individual mouths and pockets in mind.

We often associate the word ‘cosmetic’ with unnatural looking enhancements, such as surgery. While general dentistry is largely about preventing or treating problems – cosmetic dentistry simply focuses on the appearance of your teeth and gums – colour, position, shape, size and alignment – which add up to form your unique smile.

To achieve a straighter smile, you may need something that exerts gentle pressure on certain teeth to bring them into line. But that won’t mean braces as you traditionally think of them. ‘Invisible’ braces are clear plastic aligners that fit over the teeth a bit like a mouth guard, and are only visible close up. Alternatively, clear or tooth-coloured ceramic systems blend in with your natural tooth colour. Many patients also opt for hidden devices that are bonded to the back of their teeth.

It’s a natural, tooth-friendly process of gentle pressure to create your perfect smile, where so many patients describe the end result as life changing.

You may already have a fairly straight teeth, but are conscious of gaps between them, above your gums, or have a few minor chips. We also offer BioClear bonding, which uses anatomically shaped matrices and heated composite resin to dramatically enhance your smile in a single appointment. It’s fast, affordable and can last up to ten years with proper care.

And if you want to achieve ‘an Instagram smile’ without risking some of the miracle home remedies promoted on that platform – whitening can also be done at the same time as lots of our cosmetic treatments.

It’s incredibly simple to find out more, and starts with a no obligation consultation to show you precisely what’s possible, how long it might take, and an idea of what investment might be needed to create your best, most natural smile. Call us on 01275 842550 to find out more.

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