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Cleaning between teeth

What is the best way of cleaning between teeth? Using floss or interdental brushes is the best way to clean between your teeth. Floss 8 to 10 strokes,…

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Migraines – don’t suffer in silence

This September, it’s Migraine Awareness Week. This campaign helps to raise awareness and highlight the impact of migraines. It’s not just pain that accompanies a migraine. Those suffering,…

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Turkey teeth – what do you need to know?

You will likely have seen the headlines by now – Turkey teeth are ruining people’s smiles across the UK! Is it true? What do you need to know…

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Look after your mouth in the sun

The sun is shining across many parts of the UK and we’re all enjoying more time outdoors. To really make the most of the summer months, it is…

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Dental Fear

Is it normal to be scared of the dentist? About 36% of people have a fear of dental treatment, with 12% having an extreme fear. About 3% of…

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Adult braces

Is it worth getting braces as an adult? As well as improving the appearance of your smile, braces can also be a great way to improve your overall…

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