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Navigating Dental Anxiety

Navigating Dental Anxiety: How Evolve Dentistry Ensures a Stress-Free Experience For many individuals, the thought of visiting the dentist can evoke feelings of anxiety and fear. Dental anxiety…

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Cheers to a healthier mouth!

You’ve heard of Dry January? It’s become quite a popular trend where people give up alcohol for the entire month of January. Now, aside from the obvious health…

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Where there’s smoke…

…There’s usually stained teeth and gum disease. Patients are often surprised that a dentist can tell that they smoke by looking in their mouths. Most people are now…

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A secret addiction: can you say ‘no’ to sugar?

We all eat it, and we all love it: but this seemingly inoffensive substance is one of the leading causes of tooth decay and other oral complications.[i] The…

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World Mental Health Day: speak up and speak out!

You may think, ‘what has mental health got to do with dentistry?’ Well, quite a bit! One of the biggest areas that mental health can impact is physical…

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Calling all coffee lovers!

Did you know that October 1st is International Coffee Day? Brits love their coffee – around 98 million cups are consumed per day in the UK! Coffee can…

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