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Is chewing gum good for you?

Chewing after eating can help to reduce the acid content in your mouth. If you want to chew gum, be careful to choose a sugar free one, but…

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Tooth Coloured Fillings

What is a tooth coloured filling? Composite fillings, also known as tooth coloured fillings are customized to match your enamel so that it blends in with your natural…

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Dental phobia

How common is dental phobia? Fear of the dentist is incredibly common, with surveys estimating that it can affect 13%-24% around the world. For most, whilst difficult, it’s…

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Menopause and the impact on your oral health

Can your teeth hurt during menopause? Women may experience unexplained pain in the mouth. Some women experience a burning sensation or pain in their teeth during menopause and…

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Straighter teeth

Do you have questions about straighter teeth? We are here to help Can I straighten my teeth without braces? Crowns and veneers could be used to visually straighten…

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Why are my teeth yellow?

Why are my teeth yellow? Foods that contain high levels of tannin can cause your teeth to stain, these are commonly found in red wine, tea, coffee. These…

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