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Smile confidence

Adam came to us embarrassed of his teeth, which was causing a lack of smile confidence. Adam described his teeth as "wonky", he'd worn away a substantial amount…

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Donna’s new smile

Donna can't believe how much she smiles now I didn’t’ realise how conscious I was of my teeth until I looked back at old photographs, I noticed that…

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Still think that straighter teeth means metal braces?

Metal Braces Most of us have things we’d like to change about ourselves. Lots of us hide one of our key facial features, our smile; at work, in…

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Prince William Retains His Natural Smile

Aren’t braces for just for children and teenagers? Why do adults wear braces? The reason that most adults want to straighten their teeth is that after having braces…

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Carla’s Teeth Straightening Story

I’d never been totally happy with my teeth, I had bruxism that was causing my bottom teeth to deteriorate, which is why I decided to have them straightened.…

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Case Study – Smile Makeover For Sarah

I saw the competition on Facebook, gave it a thought but dismissed it. I’d always been self-conscious of my teeth, so as it got closer to the deadline…

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