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Meghan Markle Has A Smile Fit For A Princess

Along with millions of other people I watched the Royal Wedding on Saturday as Meghan Markle became Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. It was a beautiful ceremony and she…

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Is Smile Imaging Worth It?

Has it ever crossed your mind how your smile would look if you were to undergo a cosmetic dental procedure? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a clear…

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Spotlight On BioClear Dental Bonding

Repairing gaps between teeth and above the gums, uneven teeth, chips in teeth and discolouration. There are a number of reasons why people have often chosen veneers in…

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Lara Can’t Believe Her Confidence

Lara had felt self-conscious about her smile for over 20 years. She had experienced significant trouble with her teeth since the age of 11, and even required early…

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Charlotte Completes Her Treatment – In Just 18 Weeks!

So, I’ve had straight teeth for two months now and it’s amazing! People who know me (and know the story) all think that the difference is incredible. I…

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White Fillings That Will Make You Proud Of Your Smile Again

People are now looking after their teeth better than ever before. In an age where appearance matters – both socially and professionally – a beautiful natural looking smile…

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