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Prince William And Orthodontic Retainers

Retaining your natural smile Aren’t braces for just for children and teenagers? Why do adults wear braces? The reason that most adults want to straighten their teeth is…

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The Price Of Beauty?

I was watching a Channel 4 programme last night called “Beauty and the Beast”, which involved a person who is obsessed by beauty to spend time with a…

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Healthy Teeth Tips For 2011

Happy New Year! The Evolve team have put together their top tips to keep your smile healthy and looking good throughout 2011… enjoy. Click here to view on…

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Wishing You A Merry Christmas From The Evolve Team

We love Christmas at Evolve and would like to thank all our patients who took the time to send us cards. Every year we like to give our…

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6 Tips For A Younger Looking Smile.

At Evolve Dentistry, a lot of the patients we see want to improve their smile or would like to have a younger looking smile. We are always happy…

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What Makes Us Different?

I have been asked many times “What makes Evolve Dentistry in Portishead different from other dental practice?” and have given this some thought over recent months. Having discussed…

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